Build a Life you Love
Hello, Friend. I See You.
You’re a sensitive soul with an inner awareness that you’re here for a reason. But you’re stuck. Perhaps you’ve arrived at an impasse in your life and you’re struggling to see a way forward.
You may be searching for:
A more integrated awareness of your special gifts and talents
A life with deeper meaning and purpose
A way to synthesize your inner passion with your praxis, or action in the world
More satisfaction in relationship dynamics and in your private life
You don’t have to spin your wheels in the dark, suffering from soul exhaustion anymore. A Breath & Stars Astrology Reading can help!
Many people seeking meaningful change fall back into unconscious patterns, or remain stuck in the familiar groove of their reality. In short, they haven’t found the tools to help them elevate to their highest potential.
A Breath and Stars Reading can help you:
Receive an elevated perspective on the primary influences aspecting your chart
Define your special gifts and talents
Develop a deeper understanding of blocks and impasses on your path
Become empowered with key dates and timelines to make the most of your energy
If you’ve ever felt trapped in the “story” of your life and wish you had a Way-Shower to guide you to the other side, then this work is for you.
If you’ve ever wanted to have a guide map to help you to most successfully navigate a significant juncture on your life’s journey, then this work is for you.
Astrology has the power to not only point us to our inner potential, but to maximize our time and energy in ways that will most effectively serve our efforts.
To you friend, I offer my humble services.
I’m Nitai Mitchell,
I’ve been a consulting Astrologer since 2011 with well over 4 years of formal training and a life long interest in blending the spiritual with the practical.
I have worked with a wide range of individuals including business owners, entrepreneurs, artists, authors, spiritual leaders, parents, love seekers and many, many seeking guidance on their path.
I love what I do and I love to connect. I hope to see you soon!